Why put a little more zen in your place of business?
These classes can be tailored to meet the needs of each specific workplace. Yoga in the workplace may be held in the morning, at lunchtime, or in the early evening, at the company’s request.
Included in the instruction are physical exercises to specifically help with low back pain, neck, and shoulder tension. We also practice breathing, meditation, and relaxation techniques. Employers have had success in keeping their employees healthy and happy by introducing programs like yoga classes.
This is the right program for your company if…
You believe that exercise and other stress-reducing techniques offer many benefits for your employees.
You want to grow and develop your workplace wellness program.
You want a yoga teacher that can give your employees actionable and tangible results.
You want to create an outlet for your employees to gain strength, balance and ease in their body and mind.
Consult with Heather to see how she can help you to create healthier and happier employees.